We are a NATIONWIDE LAWYER support service. LARGE ENOUGH to handle all of your corporate needs and yet, SMALL ENOUGH to provide YOU with the INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION you deserve!
WE ARE PREPARED to assist LAWYERS with incorporations, amendments, dissolutions, mergers, foreign corporation registrations and withdrawals of business, professional and nonprofit corporations IN ALL STATES permitted, including the District of Columbia, Alaska and Hawaii. We also have the means to supply a statutory (resident) agent in each and every state where one is required. OUR REGISTERED AGENT NETWORK, except in our home state of Pennsylvania, IS COMPLETELY COMPRISED OF ATTORNEYS. In Pennsylvania, our clients receive the personal attention of our Executive Staff. 
OUR incorporation and foreign corporation cost quotations include FREE STATUTORY REPRESENTATION as registered agent in any subject jurisdiction for the first year.
PLEASE DON'T HESITATE to contact us if you think that we can be of assistance to you or just have a question about our services.
We HAVE the Forms • We KNOW the Procedures
With OUR assistance, you can EXPEDITIOUSLY qualify to do business in ANY STATE.


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